10 tactics for writers to unlock creativity

Make Mondays Great Again #28

What do you do when you need to get into that creative headspace?

For most writers, there’s a need to find what works for you to unlock the ultimate creative state. By finding what works for you, you’ll find yourself immersed in your creative work much faster than you’re used to.

I will give you 10 ideas gathered from myself and my audience on X on 10 typical things that unlock creativity.

But first, let’s tackle a common pitfall often experienced by writers trying to unlock their creative spark.

Embracing the creative blockage

Often writers willingly or unwillingly embrace the creative blockage and get sucked into it for one of these 5 reasons:

  1. Fear of writing crap

  2. Perfectionism-paralysis

  3. Trapped by distractions

  4. Lack of creative input

  5. Playing the Comparison game

Luckily there are many ways out.

By following one of the 10 tactics or a set of them, you can be sure to ignite that creative spark.

Conclude this section with a message of hope, promising a solution to these problems.

Tactic 1: Go outside

Waiting for the ideas to magically appear is often a mistake.

Instead, take a break. Remove yourself from the situation. Go outside and do something else like feeling the sun or enjoying the fresh air.

It removes the pressure from the situation and opens you up for new inputs.

Tactic 2: Sit in silence

I have often been buried in sound from morning until night.

I rarely stopped and listened to silence. Stared out the window. Or took a moment to reflect.

But it’s an important practice. One I started working on last year. At first, it was anxiety-inducing. But with time it grew easier and now I forget the silence and can work in it for 2-3 hours, no problem.

If you struggle with the same issue, there are two approaches:

  1. Include small moments of quiet throughout the day

  2. Take a full day off any electronics, music, video, phones

Both solutions work, although option two, albeit difficult, is most effective.

Tactic 3: Talk to people

There’s no fresh input that works better than the one you get from engaging with other people.

You can even bounce thoughts and ideas off of them. Or listen to their thoughts and ideas. It’s in communication that thoughts unfold and develop.

Tactic 4: Listen to podcasts

Podcasts are great because you often hear people with enough time to express their thoughts and their opinions.

It will give you:

  • Actionable ideas

  • Fresh perspectives

  • Interesting topics to explore further

Tactic 5: Do something active

Exercise is great for getting the mind to let go of stress.

And the feeling you experience afterwards is great for hitting that creative mindset. I like to swim and run. And I heard others who enjoy saunas as a way to change your mental state.

Whatever you do, exercise is a great option for burning off some excess energy and framing your mind for creative work.

Tactic 6: Journal for 5 minutes

Journaling is one of the best habits I started at the beginning of the year.

You get the chance to answer a lot of personal questions, reflect on your thoughts and gain clarity on difficult topics. It’s a great tool for gaining peace of mind. And it doesn’t have to take long.

5 minutes is enough to experience the benefits.

Tactic 7: Go for a 30-minute walk

Move the energy from your mind and unto your legs.

It changes your mental state. And when you walk of excess energy you tend to get clear of nervous energy as well. Making it easier to gain creative thoughts and ideas.

Never underestimate a good walk.

Tactic 8: Immerse yourself in great work

When you need to create it’s a bad idea to consume too much.

But if you’re stuck, you should consume some more. But, consume quality stuff. Consume stuff that excites you, moves you or challenges you intellectually.

Anything to get those brain waves going in a positive direction.

Tactic 9: Listen to your favourite soundtrack

Sometimes you just need a boost of energy or push into the right mood.

Music is good at doing that for me. However, I find that I focus the best on instrumental music. Soundtracks do the trick for me.

Tactic 10: Do something to change your state

When we get lost and unable to fuel the creative spark, we often tend to stay in the same state, waiting for it to change by itself.

Instead, you should get up and do something else. Move around, do the dishes, call a friend. Do something to take you out of your current headspace.

It’s like when you can’t sleep, it doesn’t help to stay in bed.

That was a lot of points.

Here they are for ease of reading:

  1. Go outside

  2. Sit in silence

  3. Talk to people

  4. Listen to podcasts

  5. Do something active

  6. Journal for 5 minutes

  7. Go for a 30-minute walk

  8. Immerse yourself in great work

  9. Listen to your favourite soundtrack

  10. Do something to change your state

Whatever you do, you should never wait for creativity to strike.

You should go hunt for it.

Talk to you next week.



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