Unlock the Secrets to Newsletter Success: 3 Game-Changing Insights

Make Mondays Great Again #42

Do you ever feel like you're on a never-ending content treadmill, constantly scrambling to produce fresh material for your newsletter? Or perhaps you're paralyzed by the pursuit of perfection, afraid to hit 'send' until every word is just right?

Here's the good news: there's a better way.

Today, I'm sharing three of the biggest realizations I've had about optimizing newsletter writing. These insights have made my process more efficient.

  1. Repurposing Content is Not Lazy, It's Smart

For the longest time, I felt guilty about reusing content. I thought I always had to create something entirely new.

But here's the truth:

Repurposing content isn't just okay - it's a strategic move that can amplify your message and reach more people.

Why it works:

  • Not everyone sees your content the first time

  • Different formats can reach different audience segments

  • Repetition helps reinforce key messages

How to implement this:

  • Identify your best-performing pieces

  • Break them down into smaller, bite-sized content

  • Adapt the format (e.g., turn a long-form article into a series of tips)

  • Update and refresh older content with new insights

Pro tip: Create a content library where you categorize your pieces by topic. This makes it easy to find and repurpose relevant content when you need it.

  1. Perfection is Less Important Than Consistency

This was a tough pill for me to swallow. As a perfectionist, I used to agonize over every word. I often delayed sending out newsletters because they didn't feel 'perfect'.

But here's the reality: Consistency trumps perfection every time.

Why it matters:

  • Regular communication builds trust and anticipation

  • You learn and improve faster by doing

  • Your audience cares more about value than flawless prose

How to embrace this mindset:

  • Set a regular schedule and stick to it

  • Define 'good enough' criteria for your newsletters

  • Use tools like Grammarly for quick editing

  • Remember: done is better than perfect

Remember, even the world's top newsletters have typos sometimes. It's human, and it doesn't diminish your value.

  1. Most Readers Skim, So Clear Formatting is Crucial

This was an eye-opener for me. I used to write dense paragraphs, thinking more words meant more value. But the truth is:

Your readers are busy. They skim. And your formatting can make or break their experience.

Why formatting matters:

  • It guides the reader's eye to key points

  • It makes your content more digestible

  • It increases the chances of your message being understood

How to optimize your formatting:

  • Use short paragraphs (2-3 sentences max)

  • Incorporate bullet points and numbered lists

  • Utilize subheadings to break up sections

  • Bold key phrases or takeaways

  • Include white space to prevent overwhelm

Pro tip: Before sending, skim your own newsletter. If you can't grasp the main points in 30 seconds, revise your formatting.

Putting It All Together: Your Optimization Strategy

Now, how do you implement these insights? Here's a simple action plan:

  1. Content Repurposing: Each month, alongside any new content, choose one or two old pieces to refresh and resend.

  2. Consistency Over Perfection: Set a non-negotiable send time. When it comes, send what you have, even if it's not 'perfect'.

  3. Skimmable Formatting: Before sending, do a 'skim test'. Revise formatting until you can grasp main points in 30 seconds.

Tool Recommendation: Notion for Content Management

To help with content repurposing and organization, I highly recommend Notion. It's a versatile tool that can serve as your second brain for content ideas, your editorial calendar, and your content library.

You can create databases for your content, tag pieces by topic, and easily search for past material to repurpose.

Key Takeaway:

Optimizing your newsletter isn't about working harder - it's about working smarter. By repurposing content strategically, prioritizing consistency over perfection, and formatting for skimmability, you can create a more impactful newsletter with less stress.

This Week's Challenge:

  1. Choose one old piece of content to repurpose for your next newsletter

  2. Set a non-negotiable send time for your next issue

  3. Revise your latest newsletter draft for skimmability

Share your experience with me! Reply to this email with one change you're implementing and how it feels. I'm excited to hear about your optimization journey!

Here's to creating newsletters that are smart, consistent, and reader-friendly,


P.S. Know a fellow newsletter creator who might benefit from these insights? Feel free to forward this email to them. Let's help each other optimize our newsletter game!

When you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. The Newsletter Blueprint: My first course on how to start your first newsletter. I share almost a year of newsletter writing expertise, time-efficient methods, and actionable steps. This course makes the process of setting up a newsletter and writing your first issue much easier. Get 10% off your purchase right here.

  2. 1-On-1 Coaching Call: Get a 1-On-1 call with me where I help you start your first newsletter, get a more efficient writing process, or help answer any newsletter-related questions. Get 10% off on the coaching call here.


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