3 Tips To Write A Newsletter In Less Than 30 Minutes

Make Mondays Great Again #35

Next week I’m giving away free access to my 10-part video course, showing you the fastest way to get your own newsletter up and running.

Catch next week’s issue to get your copy of The Newsletter Blueprint.

Now on with this week’s newsletter:

Did you know you can write a newsletter in less than 30 minutes?

On October 12, 2023, I wrote my first newsletter, “Solutions For Beginning Writers Experiencing Writer’s Block.” That issue took around two hours to write. My process was inefficient and it made me doubt my work, much more than I do today.

Self-doubt can come from many different factors.

Most often it comes from a lack of experience. You simply haven’t proven to yourself enough times that you can do what you set out to do.

Therefore it’s very important to get into a routine you can count on.

Then you’re absolutely certain you can do that thing.

Here are 3 tips to follow if you need to write a newsletter in less than 30 minutes and cut your self-doubt by 50%:

Tip 1: Pre-Plan Your Content

You need to know what you're going to write before you sit down to write.

There are many ways you can do this.

i suggest you keep a list of topics and subtopics in one place, so you always have an idea to write about.

How do you go about getting an idea?

The easiest way is to ask yourself these questions before you start:

  • WHO am I writing to?

  • WHAT am I helping them do/learn/experience?

  • HOW am I helping the reader towards that outcome?

When you nail those, your topic is much more likely to resonate with your target reader.

Tip 2: Use Templates

When I wrote the first issues of my newsletter, I was afraid templates would make all newsletter issues feel too similar.

That is not the case. A template is a premade structure. It's organizing the content more than it's telling you what to write.

A simple template to use is by structuring it like so:

  1. Introduction (WHAT, WHO, HOW)

  2. Mistakes/Challenges

  3. Steps/Tips/Tools/Techniques

  4. Conclusion/Sign off

It’s a simple way to cover a topic without letting it drag on.

Tip 3: Set A Timer

The easiest way to cut down the time you spend writing a newsletter is by not allowing yourself to spend more time than what you need.

Depending on the kind of content you write, 20-30 minutes should do the trick.

You might want to set aside a 45 minutes to an hour the first couple of times.

But afterwards, you want to work at lowering that time.

This will help you stay consistent, and you could easily write a couple to schedule in advance.

A timer is the best way of making sure you stick to your writing. And it's also going to stop you from being distracted.

Every time you're about to take a detour, thinking you need to look something up or following a distraction, ask yourself if this is helping you finish what you're writing.

if it’s not, you should get back to work.


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